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Why Can’t My Business Be Verified?


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Why can’t my business be verified?

If you started the business verification process and submitted documentation, but are still having issues getting verified, you may need to submit additional documentation. If you are unable to provide this extra information within one week, you’ll need to start the process again.

    Common business verification issues

    • Submitted document is not an accepted type: The document you submitted to verify your business isn’t an accepted type. To correct this, make sure to submit a document from the list of supported documents in the verify your business article.


    • Submission incomplete: While you my have submitted an official legal document, it may be just the filing document. We don’t accept self-filed documents that have been filled out by the business without an accompanying official signature or seal. You’ll need to upload the approved registration certificate with signature and/or official seal.


    • Document language is unsupported: Currently we only support business verification in certain languages. If your language is unsupported, get your supporting documents translated into English. They must also have the translating agency’s official stamp. Find out if your language is supported in the verify your business article.


    • Document isn’t viewable: You may have uploaded a supporting document that is small, blurry, low resolution or in a corrupted file. Try scanning your document at a higher resolution or format.


    • Document is expired: Check the expiration date on your document. If your document is expired, please renew and upload a new document with a current effective date.


    • Document doesn’t contain a legal business name: The document you submitted does not contain a legal business name. To correct this, provide an accepted document that includes your business’ legal name exactly as it appears in your Business Settings.


    • Name on document doesn’t match business name: The document you submitted doesn’t match the name in Business Settings. To correct this: go to Business Settings and update the business’ legal name exactly as it appears on your supporting document or provide an accepted document that includes your business’ legal name exactly as it appears in your Business Settings.


    • Document doesn’t contain a business address, only a partial address, or doesn’t match your business address: Your document must contain your full business address information. Upload a new document that includes both your business’ legal name AND the address.


    • Document doesn’t contain a business phone number or doesn’t match your business phone number: Your document must include the phone number information required. Upload a new document that includes both your business’ legal name AND matching phone number.


    • Additional documents required for verification: Please make sure that you have provided acceptable documentation types. Ensure that your business name always appears on the docs. For example, a utility bill with a phone number and no business name is not enough to confirm a phone number. Find the list of acceptable document types in the verify your business article.


    • You own your website domain but aren’t making it through verification: Make sure that your website is viewable and belongs to your business. Your email domain and web address should match. Your website content should feature your company’s name or logo.

    ℹ️ Find updated information about this on Facebook Developers.

    ✉️ In case you’re facing any issues or need help, please contact us at support@tyntec.com.