FAQ | Authenticate

Utilize tyntec’s FAQs to help solve any issues you may have. Additionally, learn about cloud communications, CPaaS, SMS for business, authentication, and more. If any questions arise while reading, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Why is my 2FA SMS/TTS (Text-to-Speech) call not in the primary language of the destination country?

By default, tyntec’s 2FA API automatically detects the country code and chooses the local language template. There are default templates in several languages (English, German, Russian, French, Italian and Spanish). For other languages, you will need to create a template. If there are no defined templates in the language of a specific country, the API will revert to English (“en” locale). However, this is also highly customizable, and you can use any country/language combination while sending a PIN code through the language parameter (optional) of tyntec’s API. Find out more about this here.

The local language should be in ISO 639-1 format; to learn more, click here.