FAQ | WhatsApp Business

Utilize tyntec’s FAQs to help solve any issues you may have. Additionally, learn about cloud communications, CPaaS, SMS for business, authentication, and more. If any questions arise while reading, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Will the Company Be Charged If It Sends More Than One Message Template During the 24-hour Session?


WhatsApp Business

Getting Started

Phone Numbers

Business Verification

Integrations & Testing

Message Types & Templates

Your WhatsApp Account

Compliance & GDPR, Opt-Ins


Payments & Billing

ISVs & Technical Integrators

WhatsApp Commerce Policy


Will the company be charged if it sends more than one message template during the 24-hour session?

No, if a conversation session is open with a user, any message, whether a message template or free-form, will not result in additional WhatsApp charges.

WhatsApp policy of only allowing free-form messages within 24 hours of the last user message will still apply.