FAQ | Payment & Billing

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What’s the difference between Account Balance and Balance Forecast?

There are some crucial differences between Account Balance and Balance Forecast that you should know when managing your tyntec account.

Your Account Balance is the amount made from your payment and the balance of invoices and credit notes. When a payment is made, or when the invoice or credit note is issued your Account Balance gets updated accordingly. Also, your Account Balance is connected to your customer account and can be used for all your technical accounts.

Please note that the Account Balance does NOT decrease with consumption.

If you want to check your current consumption, go to the Reporting Tab on your tyntec account.

The Balance Forecast is, on the other hand, a projection of how much credit your account will have at the end of the month.

If the Balance Forecast is negative, it means we expect that the customer will run out of credit before the end of the month. Prepayers should aim to maintain the Balance Forecast always positive.

If you’re a prepayer, you should always have credits in your account in order to use tyntec’s services. In case you’re unsure if there’s enough credit, you can check your Balance Forecast in the Finance area, in the Account Balance tab. The Account Balance is displayed on the top of the screen. 

We highly recommend being generous with the prepayments to avoid disruptions in the service. You can top-up your account by logging in to your tyntec account, going to the Finance tab on the left side, and proceeding to Online Payments. There, you can add credits to your account with the amount you prefer.


ℹ️ In case you decide to terminate your contract with tyntec and you still have credits, we will refund any remaining credit at the end of the business relationship.